Sanitation and Hygiene

Environmental Health Education in community schools

Goal One.

Green Education

To prevent pollution, vulnerable children are educated on greenhouse gases and effects of pollution on human health and the entire ecosystem. Hygiene and sanitation programs are carried out weekly to prevent the contact of diseases. This is done through oral lessons and clean up campaigns. These programs clean and disinfect toilets, garbage containers, bathrooms, school environment and also donate buckets, cups, brooms, toilet papers, soaps, and other detergents.

Our environmental health programs consists of 3 categories: health impacts, air quality, and water and sanitation.

The health impacts category includes the environmental risk exposure indicator.

Some topics include:

  • Greenhouse gases and Climate Change
  • Waste Management : Waste segregation – Biodegradable waste and non biodegradable.

Reuse, Reduce and Recycle

  • Afforestation: Planting of trees are encouraged to reduce global warming.
  • Pollution: Education on pollution by industries, household activities and water pollution by community. Major greenhouse gases like CO2, methane(CH4) , and nitrous oxide(N2O) , and water vapor (H2O) are taught.
Goal Two.

Green Agriculture 

The local community is educated about using organic waste and other natural methods for agriculture.

Bio-latrines For Environmental Sustainability

To reduce pollution and sustain our environment, we introduce bio-latrines in our communities. These modern pit latrines digest human waste and convert it to bio-gas which is used for cooking and fertilizer for used agriculture.

Goal Three.

Hygiene Facilities in Schools

In order to promote good hygiene in schools and to prevent water borne diseases, community schools are provided with wells, boreholes, dinning shed, water taps and toilets. Also water treatment training is carried out.

Goal Four.

Environmental Education For Kids

Kids are not left in protecting the environment. Here, educative podcast, videos, cartoons and apps are used. A green contest is organized in which children with best green articles and magazines are given prizes
